Janna Thanks for reporting, probably because InputSystem.Mouse.current is null on mobile with the new input system. I will fix this upcoming weekend and keep you posted.
You can try to replace the code inside BaseTouchInput.GetMouseWheelAxis() by:
public static float GetMouseWheelAxis()
return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current != null && UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.scroll != null ? UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.scroll.ReadValue().normalized.y * .1f : 0.0f;
return Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");
return Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");
Same with GetMouseWheelDelta()
public static float GetMouseWheelDelta()
return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current != null && UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.scroll != null ? UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.scroll.ReadValue().y : 0.0f;
return UnityEngine.Input.mouseScrollDelta.y;