I am testing the perspective camera on Iphone and I found that if I am keeping my fingers attached to the screen I can do rotation pretty smoothly and if I stop rotating but keep fingers pressed on the screen I can resume roatation still from the same point without any jerkines. But if I rotated, then remove the fingers, then try rotating again I almost always get jerky camera move, like it ends up in different position first frame then start rotating smoothly from there, this make it feel more jerky overall. Do you have any idea why this happens and any ways to make it not jump to a different position? Also panning seems a bit jerking overall I am panning using two fingers, is this correct? It feels to me that when I am trying to pan it is fighting with rotation or zoom, but I can never get a nice clean pan. Maybe I am using wrong finger gesture? Panning has the same problem that rotation has, when I put fingers back on the screen the camera can end up in very different position making it jerk actually much more noticeable than rotation. I am wondering if I might be not using this correctly? Thanks

    Btw I tried spreading fingers much more for panning and it seems to improve the smoothness of the panning a lot. But I can still see some jerkiness like the scenario with rotation (keeping fingers on vs taking them off and then putting back on the screen). In the editor everything works pretty smooth!

      it seems to be a bug, I'm going to have to investigate that.

      with touch you can have jerkiness for sure since the position of your fingers is really sensitive but there is probably an issue in the code. I'll keep you posted, it's not that easy to test and debug on mobile so I might need some time.


      Thanks, do you mean that there is a bug in the code in respect to touch control, the issue I have described with removing and placing fingers on the screen? Or the pan with two fingers ? The pan works much better with fingers spread apart but gets very jerky with two fingers close to each other . My main issue is with jerkiness when i remove and place fingers back on the screen. I found there is less issue if you try to place fingers exactly same spot but if I place fingers back on different part of the screen camera can jerk and few times even move really far but usually just small but noticeable jerk. Do you think there is a bug there ? Thanks!

        The issue is happening when fingers are too close, or when the camera is too far from the floor. The raycasting starts to be really unprecise, leading to jerkiness on the camera, I will have a look to see if I can add a smoothing on the finger position on screen or on the floor.

        Thank I found that the rotation is better with the free camera, but there is still jerkiness with zoom and pan. Thanks!

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