Hi there,

I have two fairly simple questions as listed in the title.

  1. How can I set the zoom with code? (i.e. zoom the camera in to a particular level)
  2. How can I execute functions on zoom? At the moment the closest I can get is by adding functions to FingerTap > OnFinger.

Thanks! Love the asset.

    It only took me 4 hours, but I did it!

    Here's what I put in my TutorialManager:

    bool isZooming = IsInputMatching(CameraBase.InputMapFingerPinch.ZoomAndRotate);

    And I added this to the TutorialManager as well:

    protected bool IsInputMatching(CameraBase.InputMapFingerPinch action)
    CameraBase.InputMapFingerPinch twoFingerPinch = CameraBase.InputMapFingerPinch.ZoomAndRotate;
         if (twoFingerPinch == action && CameraInputs.GetFingerCount() == 2)
              return true;
         return false;

    And as for setting the zoom with code, I just used:


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