I need to add layers and Tags. When doing so though the there is a Tags.cs and Layers.cs that have all of them defined. At the top of Layers.cs it says // This class is auto-generated, do not modify (use Tools/TagsLayersEnumBuilder). I can't find TagsLayersEnumBuilder. It's not under tools/Exoa anywhere. We purchased and are using the Home Designer 2024 bundle. Should I have a tools/TagsLayersEnumBuilder?
Trying to add Tags and Layers
Barrett Hi!
Sorry for the late reply.
I understand why it's confusing, you do not need that enum builder script, it was for myself to create the initial Tags and Layers scripts and I should remove that comment line at the top.
In fact on your side you have a LayersCreator.cs file that reads Tags.cs and Layers.cs to recreate these tags and layers in your own project if they don't exist yet.
Does that make sense?
If you want to add tags and layers, you can add them in the Unity project as usual (top right corner), you don't need to add them to Tags.cs and Layers.cs. In fact these 2 classes might get overridden next time you download a plugin update, and these classes are only for Home Designer's purpose.
If you do plan to extend the plugin for your own use, then yes feel free to add more values in these files manually, but I would avoid upgrading the plugin in the future to not lose your changes.
Let me know if you need any more clarification
I was adding layers. If you add a layer the normal way and are trying to use the new layers and tags in home designer wouldn't you have to add them to those files? I understand that this is extending the plugin.
The reason I was adding layers is we're adding some other types of objects that we want to be treated differently. Even without extending the functionality we're still trying to figure out some functionality.
What led to modifying the layers and tags is we wanted to change if some objects can collide with other objects in the home designer after being place when being moved. The new layer wouldn't work. Even without adding a new layer this still doesn't work like you would think.
Using the Layer collision matrix you should be able to have specific layers not interact. For some reason with everything set to module for layer and tag and unchecking module to module it doesn't work. It appears that the new objects are set to ghost. If module to ghost is unchecked then they don't collide. Can you explain this?
This isn't extending if we're using module it's just trying to use Unity functionality with what's there. Any insight would be appreciated.