The site is returning a 502 Bad Gateway error. I need documentation on the available methods. Additionally, are there any methods to determine whether a touch was a single tap or a swipe in order to correctly display the menu?
Camera Isometric Ortho - I'm setting up the camera as in the Demo, with Rotation x:45, y:-45, z:0, but after launching, the Rotation x changes to 35. The demo code shows the same issue. How can this be fixed?
Api documentation does not work
bekkazy hi!
thanks for reporting I have issues with my web server at the moment but I can send you the api doc by email.
You can use CameraInputs.isFingerTap or isFingerUp and IsOverUI to detect a tap on the menu for example.Thanks for reporting, here is a quick fix until I release the update on the store:
Open CameraIsometricOrtho.cs and add this line:
initialRotation.x = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x;
line 20. You end up with a code like this:
override protected void Init()
initSize = finalSize = cam.orthographicSize;
initialRotation.y = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y;
initialRotation.x = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x;
thanks for the answer. if you can send the documentation, here is my email
plz send me a copy of the api doc.
my email :