Is it possible to make the current 2 separate scenes into one, where I can edit rooms, put in windows, doors etc. like in the "floormap editor", and at the same time choose materials, put in furniture, change, move like in the "homedesigner" scene? As we bought it in a bundle, we have both Unity packages, but we want to use them in one scene.
Integrating floormap editor and homedesigner scenes to one
It should be technically possible to have both in one scene, but it might be quite messy/busy UI wise. you will have to merge the 2 json structures into one. There is work needed to merge both scenes but it should be feasible. I don't support it myself since I want to keep the modular approach.
Thanks for the response, actually, the point is not that the 2 scenes should be one, but that the functionality should be available from one scene. I mean, I want to be able to edit the floor plan and then be able to insert props, change materials etc. in one scene without changing the scene.
8 days later