That did the trick. I did not want to spend time figuring that out myself for something I paid but I should have. Parce que franchement c'est truffé de beugs ton truc copain ! Je comprends que c'est un petit asset pas cher mais bon :-)
So : (the list will probably grow)
- The editor breaks whenever one enters playmode. Looking at the code I see class names like "MyObject" (??) and initialization made on OnEnable - overall it's been quickly been put together. It's anoying to have to kill and restart the editor after each step.
- To send message, debug mode must be enabled, presumably because it was only logging before. I've removed the debug condition.
I'm happy to mention the bugs as I encounter them if you want to fix them when you have time. I think the most urgent is really to make a better TutorialsEditor.
Hope that helps - I mean no harm ;-)