
I wonder if i can also importing ready made houses.

I missing actually the size measurments and possiblity to have a fixed choose cell height for the floors

because of that I want to import from Chief architect premium to a format that can be imported into unity directly.
I have manage to import it and can select all building intems.

is this possible to use the plugin? It would be really helping to making my design even better in combination with possible VR

    Hi! that's a very nice building, I'm not sure what you want to do exactly, because you are importing a mesh, and my plugin is a procedural generation system. How would like both to interact with each others ?

      Well im a dummy on that field, but if the walls and floor, stairs, roof could be converted so you can work with it. That would be a start.
      The items are automatic label correct

      In unity import is basic representing with some colors , till now im not able to do something with it usefully. I can fly around in the editor, but the scale of the editor is like chief architect not realistic

      5 meter width does not showing like it is really 5 meters.

      Playing around with pre project of unity could not give any usability with the import.

      The photos are made in ray tracing in chief, however there are far of smooth realtime process.

      But if it could be possible to intergrate the imports to the plugin, you would be able to have different shaps you not needed to made prefab. I would not know anyway how to make roman colums in unity

        Quatermain So you mean using pieces of your mesh like the roman columns, the windows, stairs etc ? You can use them as "modules" in home designer (the interior object placement part) yes.

        The floor map designer and exterior are fully procedural at the moment, and do not allow for external meshes placement.

        Right now I'm focusing on basic features like multi story, furniture variants, fbx exporting etc, so it's far from chief architect right now, but I will keep your suggestion in mind. Thanks!

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