I have purchased the HomeDesigner-Bundle on assetstore. However, when i import the asset to my project there are many many many many many many many errors in the console ! How can I solve these 104 errors?? These errors happen in all of the packages(touch camera pro, home designer, floor map designer) . I have upgraded my assembly file with dependencies ! but it doesnt help ! . My unity version is 2020.3.18f. ! ı also imported dotween and lean packages. You can see my console before ı import your asset and after import your asset. I m struggling for hours to solve these bullshits ! Please solve my problems as soon as possible. Otherwise, ı m gonna take action ! . !
Import Errors ? !
ahmetteksas Hi,
First of all you don't need to blackmail me, this is a support forum where I'm helping for free, so I'm not tolerating any kind of offensive behaviour.
From what I can see in the screenshot, you have imported the bundle inside an existing project, so that could explain why you have errors, maybe some scripts are conflicting.
Can you check that you have that script in your project:
Could you put the console in fullscreen and send me screenshots of all your errors so I can try to identify what's the issue in your project?
Anthony https://ibb.co/vzK9fW8 you can see here, ı have the vectorextensions script. console wievs below;
ahmetteksas I see, I never had that issue before. It sounds like Unity is not compiling the extensions. I would suggest to try Assets > Reimport All. If it doesn't help, we can schedule a call on TeamViewer, so I can have a closer look and try a few things. Let me know
Anthony I did try to reimport. However, nothing happened. Errors still show. Can we schedule a call as soon as possible please? Thank u.
ahmetteksas sure, I will send you an email when I am available in 1 or 2 hours hopefully. Please download TeamViewer ahead, thanks!
Anthony Okay, waiting.