Hi, Today is my first contact with the TOUCH CAMERA PRO asset. As soon as I enter the asset, the following messages are returned:
Assets \ Exoa \ TouchCameraPro-Demo \ Scripts \ FocusOnClick.cs (10,29): error CS0115: 'FocusOnClick.OnSelected ()': no suitable method found to override
Assets\Exoa\TouchCameraPro-Demo\Scripts\FocusOnClick.cs(19,29): error CS0115: 'FocusOnClick.OnDeselected()': no suitable method found to override

any idea how to fix it?

My Unity Version 2020.3.30f1.1607

    Okay, I solved the problem. Rather, there is an incompatibility with the new version of Lean Touch (Latest release date
    Mar 4, 2022). In the FocusOnClick file I replaced the code

    protected override void OnSelected()
            print("OnSelect " + gameObject.name);
            if (follow)
                CameraEvents.OnRequestObjectFollow?.Invoke(gameObject, focusOnFollow);


    protected override void OnSelected(LeanSelect select)
            print("OnSelect " + gameObject.name);
            if (follow)
                CameraEvents.OnRequestObjectFollow?.Invoke(gameObject, focusOnFollow);

    and respectively for the method OnDeselected

      paul Thanks! Indeed the new version of lean touch has changed this. Thanks for letting me know! I will update TCP.

        a month later

        Hello, I have same problem here, altough I have the last version Mar 18, 2022
        Is there something more to do ?

          tepat Hi Tepat, sorry about that, it seems that the Lean touch version is different depending on the Unity Version you have. Did you try to apply the change above ? (just add the "LeanSelect select" param)


            Anthony yes, i tried to apply the change above, but I got another error, but I succeed to remove it ! thanks !

              Here is the full script for anybody interested

              using Exoa.Events;
              using Lean.Common;

              public class FocusOnClick : LeanSelectableBehaviour
              public bool follow;
              public bool focusOnFollow;

              protected override void OnSelected(LeanSelect select)
                  if (follow)
                      CameraEvents.OnRequestObjectFollow?.Invoke(gameObject, focusOnFollow);
              protected override void OnDeselected(LeanSelect select)
                  if (follow)
                      CameraEvents.OnRequestObjectFollow?.Invoke(null, focusOnFollow);


              It doesn't work for me

              sorry the error message is in french
              "aucune surcharge pour la méthode 'Invoke' n'accepte les arguments 3"

                tepat edited. Sorry I mixed up with the new version's code that is not yet released xD

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