Dennis Hi Denis! Keyboard inputs to move the camera are not implemented as this is a mouse/touch camera plugin, and usually keyboard inputs will be implemented differently for each project.
If you need to change the camera position you can add a method like so in CameraPerspective for example:
public void MoveCameraToInstant(Vector3 targetPosition)
finalOffset = targetPosition;
finalPosition = CalculateNewPosition(finalOffset, finalRotation, finalDistance);
If you want to animate with a tween you can try this:
public void MoveCameraTo(Vector3 targetPosition)
Vector3 currentOffset = finalOffset;
disableMoves = true;
float lerp = 0;
Tween t = DOTween.To(() => lerp, x => lerp = x, 1, focusTweenDuration).SetEase(focusEase);
t.OnUpdate(() =>
finalOffset = Vector3.Lerp(currentOffset, targetPosition, lerp);
finalPosition = CalculateNewPosition(finalOffset, finalRotation, finalDistance);
.OnComplete(() =>
disableMoves = false;
Basically you just need to increment or set the variable "finalOffset" which is the center point of the camera on the ground, and then update the camera position with CalculateNewPosition().
I hope that helps!