Hi there!Got a problem in Unity 2021.3.1f after importing Home Designer even into a blank project :
After fixing problem with UnityEditor.Progress in soem scripts and finishing recompiling/setting layers whole SceneView gets broken,refering that theres already all modules registered in SceneView( like SceneLight etc) and constantl;y spamming errors in console ,for example:
An overlay with id (Scene View/Light Settings) was already registered to window (Scene)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility😛rocessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
And so on for all SceneView overlays,while SceneView remains broken.
Before hand ive tested this asset in Unity 2021.1.3f and it was working from start,but our current work project is in 2021.3.1f1 and downgrading isnt an option now.
Ive solved it(atleast SceneView now working) by following your instructions from here https://support.exoa.fr/d/63-unity-2021-build-error/7
deleting Masamune folder,but as i understood theres was new update to asset store after that,maybe it introduced the problem im facing ?Ill be working closly with Home Designer from now on,as it will include some rework with ui and touch functionality,so ill keep you updated if ill encounter new problems after deleting those files

    Miagton Hi ! Yeah you're right I had to publish a special version for Unity 2021.3.1f1+.
    If you can't access it from the store let me know, I will send you the most up to date version by email. I'm about to publish a new update this week.

      Yeah,woudl be great if you can send the fixed version because im not sure that deleting those folder will result in intendent behaviour later on 😅 .The version im able to get from the assetstore is the one giving this problem,and we already aproved Home Designer as a base for our interior system + current sprint on it already started 😅
      Also thnx for a fast reply!

        Miagton if you get the package using Unity 2021.3+ you should get the special version for it. I just updated the asset store verions, and I'm sending you that update right now via wetransfer.

          For your information after importing the new packadge into teh project( deletign whole Exoa folder beforehand), ive got an issue with parlty broken serializations on all prefabs in Home Designer for some reason.I resolved it manually by updating references on all prefabs.Still havent tested it in completle blank project,but wanted to let you know this occured.

            Miagton that's strange thanks for letting me know. I hope the version from the store works better

              Can you give me more info on the "broken serialization" you were talking about ?

                Anthony yeah sure,havent looked around alot as ive manually resolved everything.
                Basically : all prefabs in Home Designer scene got their references removed ( alot of them are referencing their child objects).
                If you go to a prefab view from the scene, it will show you that all references are correctly serialized, but still the instance of this prefab in scene has 0 references and has no overrides comparing to original prefab.
                If you Select prefab from Project view it's inspector will show you that all references are fine,but if you will double click it and open it in prefab view = > the referenes in all components will be gone.
                Its never occured to me before but as i said i havent digged into it or consulted with a team,cause i just manually resolved everything and applied new overrieds to actual prefabs

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