Hi Anthony!
Got a question regarding procedural room generation.
As we are developing for mobile,we would liek to avoid any runtime mesh generation and rather use floormap designer to create prefabs of a room(walls/floor) and then dynamicly laod them via content delivery.So i wanted to ask,is tehre an option to be able to save generated room( without interior modules) as a standalone prefab? currently meshes are generated at runtime each time,so this option isnt possible.maybe theres soem kind of an optional toggle we missed taht will allow to save them after being generated in the edit mode?
- Jul 11, 2022
- Joined Jun 27, 2022
Hi there!
Wanted to ask, is there any plans of supporting fancy new custom editor for creating new modules in Unity 2021.2+?
Was super glad too see its now in place,but then i realize it doesnt compiles there(well i can compile it but it will not work,we know it).You can imagine me surfing all tabs for it,then checking editor script and going sad
Anthony yeah sure,havent looked around alot as ive manually resolved everything.
Basically : all prefabs in Home Designer scene got their references removed ( alot of them are referencing their child objects).
If you go to a prefab view from the scene, it will show you that all references are correctly serialized, but still the instance of this prefab in scene has 0 references and has no overrides comparing to original prefab.
If you Select prefab from Project view it's inspector will show you that all references are fine,but if you will double click it and open it in prefab view = > the referenes in all components will be gone.
Its never occured to me before but as i said i havent digged into it or consulted with a team,cause i just manually resolved everything and applied new overrieds to actual prefabs- Edited
Hey Anthony!Hope your having a great day there!
More of an suggestion or a feedback here.
Atm if user wants to save current * Model * (in Homde Designer part) he can :- Use UISaving.cs wich means he gona need all those references in hes scene(ui elements),basically copying demo setup;
- Use InteriorSerializer wich looks like a good option if you jsut want a save/load functionality but it has depencency on
UIFloorsMenu.cs wich is basically another Monobehaviour with alot of Ui elemnts in it.
So id suggest one or both of those:
a) decople UI from Save/Load logic so it could be used separetly
b) implement saving logic into HomeReader wich is basically standalone loading solution for now and could be much more usable if it will have Save logic aswell ,so the user can jsut drag&drop a prefab wich will handle serialization logic for him.
ALso as a note,you cant use both HomeReader for loading and InteriorSerializer for saving ,as InteriorSerializer will fail to save data(it will be not set at all) if Model isnt loaded via InteriorSerializer.
P.S. have a nice day!While decompositioning HomeDesigner scene setup, ive encountered json.Net exeption wich i was able to reproduce in unchanged HomeDesigner.scene.
While trying to save jsut loaded Model, got
JsonSerializationException: Self referencing loop detected for property 'linear' with type 'UnityEngine.Color'. Path 'floors[0].sceneObjects[0].colorVariant'.From InteriorSerializer.cs around line 313 :
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(currentInteriorFile, Formatting.Indented);
Could be fixed if choosed to ignore infinite loop dependencies by
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(currentInteriorFile, Formatting.Indented,new JsonSerializerSettings() {
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore
Seems its not affecting overall saved data for now.Anthony
For your information after importing the new packadge into teh project( deletign whole Exoa folder beforehand), ive got an issue with parlty broken serializations on all prefabs in Home Designer for some reason.I resolved it manually by updating references on all prefabs.Still havent tested it in completle blank project,but wanted to let you know this occured.Anthony Hey!
Do you have any aproximate date for touch controls integration? I mean really aproximate ,like - do you plan to do it until the end of the year or maybe you have some abstract date in mind? Im asking because weare targeting mobile platforms ,and while we are good for now due to iterative nature,just would be cool to know should we start writing our own wrapper and modification,or should we wait depending on your current plansThnx in advance!
- Edited
Yeah,woudl be great if you can send the fixed version because im not sure that deleting those folder will result in intendent behaviour later on.The version im able to get from the assetstore is the one giving this problem,and we already aproved Home Designer as a base for our interior system + current sprint on it already started
Also thnx for a fast reply!- Edited
Hi there!Got a problem in Unity 2021.3.1f after importing Home Designer even into a blank project :
After fixing problem with UnityEditor.Progress in soem scripts and finishing recompiling/setting layers whole SceneView gets broken,refering that theres already all modules registered in SceneView( like SceneLight etc) and constantl;y spamming errors in console ,for example:
An overlay with id (Scene View/Light Settings) was already registered to window (Scene)
UnityEngine.GUIUtilityrocessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
And so on for all SceneView overlays,while SceneView remains broken.
Before hand ive tested this asset in Unity 2021.1.3f and it was working from start,but our current work project is in 2021.3.1f1 and downgrading isnt an option now.
Ive solved it(atleast SceneView now working) by following your instructions from here https://support.exoa.fr/d/63-unity-2021-build-error/7
deleting Masamune folder,but as i understood theres was new update to asset store after that,maybe it introduced the problem im facing ?Ill be working closly with Home Designer from now on,as it will include some rework with ui and touch functionality,so ill keep you updated if ill encounter new problems after deleting those files