hello. I really liked your asset. How do I assign
1.Touch Camera to child game objects.The parent could set the position change
2.How to set the starting position of the camera

    qnet Hi
    I don't understand you first question.
    For the second one, the start position is calculated from where you put the camera in the scene, you just have to move it before clicking play mode. Otherwise you can assigne it's position using MoveCameraToInstant() please check the demo scenes

      You should not parent the camera but use the follow focus feature instead!

        The problem is the terrain rotation, it can have rotation (90 f,90 f,180f). The camera should work as a local child object. The camera must understand by local coordinates where which side is . I tried as you advised, but when moving the camera twitches and moving around the sides works poorly.

          qnet I understand, the camera is not meant to work below the ground, it's a top down camera relying on global coordinate.

          • qnet replied to this.

            Anthony thank you for the answer, tell me where to start, I want to try to finish it myself.

              qnet I would suggest you to start from the CameraFree component, as this one can go below the ground

              • qnet replied to this.
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