• Touch Camera
  • I downloaded the Touch Camera PRO asset. A few questions

Hi, thanks for the great asset โ˜บ but I have some questions:

  1. How to set the initial position of the camera by XYZ? How it is calculated during initialization now
  2. Is there somewhere a description of each parameter in the components to understand what they are responsible for and configure them or remove the component if it is not needed? Didn't find this in the documentation
  3. If you move the camera by holding the right mouse button and drag up or down, the coordinates X and Z will change, is it possible to do something to change the coordinate Y if we look at the object from the side?(Camera Perspective)
    Sorry for my english) Thanks in advance!

    Hi Daria

    1 You're right actually, there is no method to change the "Reset" values. initialLy these values where taken from where you placed the camera in the scene, but that's not acurate anymore. So I will add this feature and send you an email with the updated package asap.
    2 The variables are meant to be self explained, but I can add a section detailing each parameter yes. I will also detail each component as you suggested.
    3 Not sure to understand what you mean here, do you have an example ?


      Thank you very much!!!
      I will try to explain the last question.
      Link to folder with video examples: Examples
      The first video is an example from the Wonderbox game for IOS. In the video, I show how I would like. Rotate the camera with one finger and move the camera with two fingers. In the video, I showed that when the camera is on the side of the field, it can be moved up and down. How to see what is above the field and below the field.
      The second video is the same moment but with the help of your asset. It works for you that when you move the camera does not move up / down, but further / closer.
      The question is, can you do it like in the first video?
      I also added two screens, where I displayed the directions of camera movement.

        Hi Daria, I just sent you an email with the updated feature to change the init values for the Reset fonction. I added a demo scene as well.
        I will update the doc later on to detail all variables.
        For the last request, I will not be able to do it unfortunatly, the camera is meant to be used at y =0 so there's no option to translate y by default, you will have to make your custom implementation if you want to do that.

        Thanks for your understanding,

          Thank you very much for helping in solving my problems! Received a letter.
          All the bestโ˜บ

            10 days later

            Daria Hi!
            I updated the documentation, here:
            Online Documentation

            I will update the plugin in the upcoming days too with that documentation and new features. Let me know if you have any question, if the doc is not clear enough for you!

            If you liked the support, feel free to add a little review on the asset store page, that would really help ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks!

            2 months later

            Daria Hi! Just so you know, I published a new update with the ability to change the ground height, in the inspector and at runtime, check the demo scene "change_ground_height" ๐Ÿ˜‰

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