mesutt Hi!
It's hard to understand what's going wrong from the video. would you mind exporting a .unitypackage containing only the scene with your model and own scripts ? (don't include the Exoa/ folder)

Thanks I will check it out asap!

    5 days later

    mesutt Hi, can you include a demo scene inside the unitypackage ? thank you!

      Hi! thank you for your patience, I will send you the patch by email today and update the plugin on the asset store.

        Thanks for the patch but this time too the focus is not working correctly for my model. focuses below the clicked model part

          mesutt it's because the camera is always meant to look at the floor. If you want to allow offsetting on Y, you can use the allowYoffset feature.

          Open FocusOnClick.cs and change

          if (follow)
          CameraEvents.OnRequestObjectFollow?.Invoke(gameObject, focusOnFollow, false);
          CameraEvents.OnRequestObjectFocus?.Invoke(gameObject, false);


          if (follow)
          CameraEvents.OnRequestObjectFollow?.Invoke(gameObject, focusOnFollow, true);
          CameraEvents.OnRequestObjectFocus?.Invoke(gameObject, true);

          you can also try the "free camera" component which is not relying on the floor at all.
          Hope this helps,

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