Hello, thank you so much for the asset. It has really simplified things in my project. I have two questions:

1) For some reason, if I try modifying the TutorialController prefab to change the TutorialPopup sprites and I go into play mode, the text stops updating to follow the tutorial JSON I made and it's stuck showing "Content". This stops happening as soon as I use the default sprites.

2) I was wondering if it was possible to somehow change the shape of the mask depending on what object it's highlighting? From my understanding, currently, there's a single mask shape that scales up or down and follows the animation parameters you set using the Tutorial Controller script, but the objects I need to highlight are all very different shapes so it looks odd.

Thanks so much for your time!

    plantmusician Hi!
    1) Do you have any error in console? Can you tell exactly what you changed? I will try on my side.
    2) Indeed there is a single shape right now which is just a gradient sprite. There is no such feature but you could you the events to update that sprite at every step if you need. there is no such feature right now implemented.

      Hi! Thanks for the quick reply.

      1) No, I didn't get any errors in the console. If I remember correctly, I removed the Image component in the Background object and added two different sprites as children. I think I just implemented them incorrectly and I fixed it by deleting and re-importing Tutorial Engine into my project.

      2) Thank you, I will let my front-end dev know!

        plantmusician By deleting the image component you probably lost the reference on a script. Let me know if you need any help with this.

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