Hello Anthony,

we are very happy that we decided to use your Camera Framework. Thanks again for the flawless support when you want to use it for features that are not (yet) implemented.

Now we would like to extend the Camera movement beside WASD (from your Custom Examples) with the classic DragMove. I'm pretty sure you already have everything integrated for that through Mobile Support. I can't find any examples for it though.

Additionally I have a small request, because I always have to adjust this in the code as soon as I update your framework. Could you provide a checkbox in the inspector to remove the spacebar (toggle the camera mode)?

// my manipulation of your original code in every update
public static bool ChangePerspective(){
return false; //Input.GetKeyDown(switchPerspective) && !IsOverUI;

    Dennis Hi!
    Thanks for your nice feedback.
    I'm not sure to get what you mean by implementing DragMove ? Almost all examples use the ability to translate on click/Drag, is it not what you want? Please provide a example otherwise.

    For your request, yes I can add a checkbox!

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