I have a couple of questions regarding getting the orbit camera to work 1 )In your OrbitDemo if we try to pan the scene pans for a split of the second and then gets back into the original position, is it possible to disable panning at all? So we can only have zoom and rotate in the orbit mode? To avoid glitchy looking behaviour
2) In the same OrbitDemo if I move the Sphere up along Y direction the camera is no longer focusing on the Sphere but keeps focusing below. I have attached the photo. I have tried using Free Camera but got the same behaviour. Is there a way to adjust the camera so it is always looking at the centre of the target object? I thought this is what the code in OrbitDemo was doing but seems the camera is not going up.
I want to add that I tried to modify the code like this:
It does help to get camera to the same height as the Sphere but the orbiting seems glitchy.