mayur Hi! Did you look around the floor to see if it was anywhere else than in the center? Do you have any errors in console?

Can you send me your json files so I can try to repro on my side?

    Thank you! You can find the json files if you press Ctrl+D during runtime. The save folder should open up with all your saves

      Should I try different unity version or anything else to make the kit functional ?

        Sorry for the late reply! These last days have been really busy.
        I looked at the video and json file. Indeed the json is empty, it should contain all the floor informations.

        I will try to repro the bug on my side and keep you posted here.

          I did repro the bug on my end, it seems that the initial floor is not created anymore automatically.
          So you need to go to the floors menu on the left bar and create a new floor, then click on it, before you can start drawing.

          Thank you for reporting the bug, I will fix that asap!

            Hi, I pushed a fix on the asset store it should be available in 48h!

            I also saw this issue. I fixed it but maybe not the best way. Is this update going to all versions of the home designer? I would like to check it out.

              the fix is pushed on HOME DESIGNER Bundle and FLOORMAP Designer yes. it should be available soon

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