Hi Anthony,

As seen in the picture, a "Pause" screen is open, which is supposed to intercept all mouse clicks via an image with a raycast target. However, it also intercepts the zoom via the mouse wheel.

Is there a setting for this? I also have screens where this should be intercepted. However, I would like to be able to determine myself what should be intercepted and when.

Thank you 🙂


    16 days later

    Dennis Hi! Sorry for the long wait!

    I'm afraid you will have to edit the scripts for that, but I can point you to what to edit:

    • There is a getter that is responsible for indicating if the user's mouse/finger is over the UI inside CameraInputs.cs

    Image description

    It is indeed used when scrolling too. Which may or may not make sense, you can edit/add your own conditions in the GetScroll() method:

    Image description

    As this is a static getter, you can use it anywhere in the code easily with "CameraInputs.IsOverUI"

    I hope that helps!

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