Good afternoon!

I'm a 3D artist, reaching out to ask for some help with the Unity Store Asset (HOME DESIGNER - BUNDLE 2024). I used the manual to create my own prefab modules and import custom assets, etc..

My main problem is that my imported assets either float when trying to snap them (even with 'On Ground' enabled) or they don't sit on top of things, like cabinets, tables, etc..

Any pointers?

Using: Unity 2022.3.21f1

(I've got an example of a GIF I made using that shows the problem a little more clearly 😅)

    7 days later

    Hilaireous Hi! Thank you for your patience.

    I can't see your gif but I understand that your assets are floating in air.
    Can you make sure that all assets have the pivot point at their base like this?

    Image description

    You can also send me an example module in a unitypackage if you want me to have a look.

      7 days later


      Thanks for getting back to me, Anthony!

      I did double check that the assets have their pivot points at the base. I've tried snapping them on the model, as well as the collider. It works with some objects, but not with others, I'm afraid. Is there a method on figuring out which models require specific toggles in the Inspector, like [ ] Snap On Grid, or [ ] Is Ground Tile?

      How about laying objects on top of each other?


      (*Here's an example of a TV sort of floating above a cabinet)

        6 days later

        Hi, thank you for your patience.
        I tried with the sample modules included in the plugin. I used the oven and toaster on top.
        The oven has the "is ground tile" option checked as it needs to be snapping to the floor, and the toaster doesn't, so it can can go over any collider.

        When I drag them on the scene, you can see that there is no air gap:
        Image description
        For that, the oven collider, needs to properly wrapping the mesh and stop at the edge without a gap.
        Please check the colliders in the prefabs "Appliance1" and "Toaster1_Rev", it's basically 2 cubes as children.

        Make sure you don't have any gap on your own colliders.

          15 days later

          Hilaireous you can send me your unitypackage at this address =>contact at exoa dot fr

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