Hi What I am trying to do is that In prespective mode I am trying to Move the camera to specific (saved) positions and rotations by using
Camera.main.GetComponent<CameraPerspective>().MoveCameraTo(.cameraPos, cameraPreviewItem, cameraRotation);

But what happens is that the camera animate upto a positions , pauses there for a second but suddenly jumps a bit , basically zooms in a bit. Also Sometimes the camera just keeps on moving.
Here is the video of the issue , which might help you to understand what's going on.


    One more thing , I tested the scene HomeDesigner in a clean project, and when I select the Main Camera , I can see its always in a constant motion, little by little, is there way to restrict this movement like lerping it to a target and stopping the movement when its reached the target ?

      bigknockdown Can you remind me if you own TouchCameraPro? If you are using HomeDesigner, you may have TouchCameraLite inside which has fewer features.

      If you do own TCP you can replace the plugin folder called TouchCameraLite by TouchCameraPro inside HomeDesigner which is more up to date.
      And you should have access to demo scenes as well that showcase MoveCameraTo when clicking on cubes.

      The camera is always moving especially at high Y, as it's always repositioning according to raycasts to the ground. You can block all movements calculation using the DisableMoves setter:

      Image description

        21 days later

        I am actually using Home Designer but not the Touch camera Pro,

        I have one more camera related question , say in ortho mode I like to set the size orthographicsize of the camera to a certain size , what would be the best way to get/set the same ?

          6 days later
          20 days later

          i figured out the issue , what I was doing is I was saving the position of camera in y axis along with x and z and then while loading the positions I was trying to reapply the positions , which was somehow the wrong approach, in your comment above you mentioned target distance .
          So what I did next was to save the position in x and z only keeping the y axis 0, but now saving the current final distance along with it.
          Then while loading using
          public void MoveCameraTo(Vector3 targetPosition, float targetDistance, Vector2 targetRotation)
          works exactly as expected

            bigknockdown Glad to hear,
            by the way I published a new version yesterday that should fix the jumping issue. Let me know if you have time to try it out.

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