Hi, this looks exactly like what I would want for my project, but I have a couple of questions before buying as I could not see it in documentation though it did look like it may be supported from the video, but I would want to make sure just in case.

1a. Is it possible to have the building zones rotated independently from each other? (as to not have a perfect square grid to look more natural)
1b. Can you rotate them to be slanted vertically, if one would want to build up a slope?

  1. Can the zones be placed at varying heights, so you could have zones above other zones?

  2. It looks like it would support it from the documentation pictures, but just want to make sure if it can also be used in a 3rd person setting where you may not have a mouse pointer available for something like a controller game?

  3. I assume that editing the UI to fit my game is not a big issue, lets say I would want a vertical UI instead of a horizontal one?

  4. I see in one of the pictures you can set the cost of a building, is it easy to add several currencies to one object, for example resource costs like wood, stone, metal, etc... ?
    You do mention that there is commented source code, so I assume if its not built into the tool to do this, it should not be too complicated to add on my own additional cost fields.


    IceBadger Hi!
    Thanks for your patience!

    • Yes every building zone is independent and can be placed, rotated on Y and scaled anywhere.

    • having the zone slanted on X or Z is not working at the moment but I can make it work for the next update

    • Yes you can put the zones at any height

    • Yes you can use it as a TPS or FPS game, there is a demo scene demonstrating that

    • The UI provided is really basic and is meant to be extended/customized

    • Adding a cost/balance system should be pretty easy. It's part of my roadmap. For now you will see places in the code like this:
      bool hasEnoughMoney = true; // TODO: plug to the game economy system

    Although it will only support one currency and one price per building or spawn item. It will be up to you to add your own fields and extend the code indeed.

    Let me know if you have any more questions!

      Sounds and looks like it would be absolutely perfect for my project then!

      Thank you so much for your answers, just bought it to play around with!

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