Hello Anthony,

I am wondering that if I can make my own prefabs as a game object automatically on any script?? Without adjusting their colliders, L or R joints ? I just want to read them on a json file.

    ahmetteksas hi!
    I am publishing now new versions for HD and HD Bundle where you have a script that creates the module prefabs for you, based on your 3d model selection in the hierarchy. For now the script is just able to create the prefab and add the 3d models, you still have to open each prefab and edit the joints and collider manually.

    I might update it to place them automatically but it will be probably not accurate as each 3d model is different.

    You can still start from that script and make your own where you read a json, and create these prefabs on the fly. But the collider and joints are not placed automatically at the moment.

      Anthony Okay Anthony, thx. What about the textures? Can I upload them in runtime in any game build file? Becasue when ı upload them in unity to the resource file. They are easily seen in the scene(wall or floor textures). Can I make them in runtime? Is there any chance to upload textures to build file and make them to read in any json file?

        ahmetteksas I'm not sure to understand. Do you mean you want to stream your content ? You load a json file with links to textures or models and you download them in runtime ?

        You can implement a 3d model loader using TriLib (plugin) or Asset bundles/Addressables, if you just want to load textures you can also use UnityWebRequest to download them from urls.

        Hope that helps!

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