Hello Anthony, How are you doing? I have a problem; in editor , I do not have any newtonsoft crash problem. However, when I bıild for WebGL, I got a newtonsoft json conflict with any other plugins. How can I solve this problem?
Newtonsoft Crashes?
ahmetteksas Hi! Can you share the full error ? So I can see where are the 2 dll in conflict.
Yes Sure. The links are below.
ahmetteksas So both my plugin and TriLib have the newtonsoft dll, you can try to remove either of them ?
Yes I tried, but then I got refferance errors about newtonsoft in many other scripts (jsonnetutility etc.)
ahmetteksas if you remove mine, you also get errors ? Are you using assembly definitions ?
Yes Anthony, we created together maybe you remember Anyway, I solved the problem as importing JSON .Net Unity package, and deleted all the other newtonsoft files. Thank you
ahmetteksas oh that was you! okay happy to hear you solved it!