bigknockdown For your icon issue, you need to remove the file TMP Settings that is not included in my plugin btw.

    Here is the fix for this:

    In ProceduralOpening line 216

    float hf3 = height - windowFrameSize * 2f;
    float windowHeight = (hf3 * verticalWindowSize);

    then line 232 replace "height" by "hf"
    else if (type == DataModel.FloorMapItemType.Door)
    clip.Add(new Vector2(mw - windowWidthHalf, hf - windowHeight));
    clip.Add(new Vector2(mw - windowWidthHalf, hf));
    clip.Add(new Vector2(mw + windowWidthHalf, hf));
    clip.Add(new Vector2(mw + windowWidthHalf, hf - windowHeight));

    Thanks for reporting!

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