
  • Nov 6, 2024
  • Joined Apr 1, 2022
  • i figured out the issue , what I was doing is I was saving the position of camera in y axis along with x and z and then while loading the positions I was trying to reapply the positions , which was somehow the wrong approach, in your comment above you mentioned target distance .
    So what I did next was to save the position in x and z only keeping the y axis 0, but now saving the current final distance along with it.
    Then while loading using
    public void MoveCameraTo(Vector3 targetPosition, float targetDistance, Vector2 targetRotation)
    works exactly as expected

    • @Anthony I am using Home Designer bundle , and the Touch camera Lite is the part of it , how do I update it ?

      • I am actually using Home Designer but not the Touch camera Pro,

        I have one more camera related question , say in ortho mode I like to set the size orthographicsize of the camera to a certain size , what would be the best way to get/set the same ?

        • One more thing , I tested the scene HomeDesigner in a clean project, and when I select the Main Camera , I can see its always in a constant motion, little by little, is there way to restrict this movement like lerping it to a target and stopping the movement when its reached the target ?

          • Hi What I am trying to do is that In prespective mode I am trying to Move the camera to specific (saved) positions and rotations by using
            Camera.main.GetComponent<CameraPerspective>().MoveCameraTo(.cameraPos, cameraPreviewItem, cameraRotation);

            But what happens is that the camera animate upto a positions , pauses there for a second but suddenly jumps a bit , basically zooms in a bit. Also Sometimes the camera just keeps on moving.
            Here is the video of the issue , which might help you to understand what's going on.


            • Hi Anthony ,
              If we ignore the look of the project , do you think there is another reason I am having issues with the toggling of roof and exterior walls , specially considering that we are able to do that by key already mapped but just not by using the UI.

              • Hi Anthony , you have provided very nice options of selecting the click/touch options for the camera movement provided in the editor.
                But I am trying to figure something out is that lets say I am in Perspective mode and I have enabled Translate while single finger dragging , at the same time i have an object on screen which I want to move with a single touch as well.
                So is there a way probably with a layer mask I could use to check if a certain layer is being touched , the camera doesn't move ?

                • Hi Anthony I noticed something else these functions are working fine in home designer mode but just not in editor mode.

                  • I create a new Unity project and imported the package , opened up the FloorMapEditor and create a room.
                    Still the Toggle roof, Exterior wall and Export FBX not working.

                    • Hi, this is weird I don't have this object in the scene, or any other object with the BuildingController attached.

                      • Hi, Thanks for getting back.
                        I checked the button has HDActionButton component and their is only one "ActionButton" Script in the project. Do you think there could be a reason a listener is not able to get the HdAction event ?

                        • Hi Anthony ,
                          I recently upgraded the asset and noticed that there were some changes since I last updated. The main thing which I am facing right now is there are a couple of toggles in editor are not working. Functions such as Toggle Exterior walls and Toggle Roof , Earlier the component attached was Action Button now its called HD Action Button. Now the point is both of the toggles are not working , where as I am able to toggle these by the Hot Keys mapped in the script.
                          Can you please let me know if there is a quick solution for this ?

                          • powergamer
                            So what we ended up doing is we created prefabs of our 3D Products , in those prefabs we added two joints each.
                            Created addressable assets and uploaded to CCDN
                            While downloading and creating an instance of a product we added the Module component in runtime.
                            So basically we implemented our own way of bringing the product into the scene , but we are still using the popup which comes up when you click on a module which helps you to move the product around.

                            • Hi Anthony ,
                              In our project we will be importing all the products(3D models of Furniture Etc) through Addressable assets. In your code I have noticed that there is a very important function being used to create and move the Products in the scene. Also the prefab list seems important in most steps.
                              My question is that since we will not have prefabs in our main project and we are able to download the assets in the project via API but what could be the best way to use them as 'Modules' ? Because we would like to use your existing system of creating the Module in scene and also to be able to move/ modify these as well.

                              Looking Forward for your suggestions.

                              • Ok so If I have already created some new layers in unity editor and then if I modify this script will those layers be overwritten as per this class and if I do need to add in another layer in future should I use this class for that ?

                                • Hi Anthony ,
                                  I am trying to modify some of the Layer mask values being used in the plugin.

                                  I think the Layers.cs file contains the info about all the layers, on top of it it says

                                  //This class is auto-generated, do not modify (use Tools/TagsLayersEnumBuilder)

                                  I am unable to locate this option in the editor , can you please guide me about how to modify this ?

                                  • Hi, Anthony,
                                    I am trying to create a UI image which can indicate the position of a opening (Door, window ,Opening) in 2D view, is there a way I could Get the center of a opening in world position?

                                    • Hi Anthony,
                                      In the latest update to be able to decorate the internal walls you are now creating separate wall objects for each wall , which is great. But there is one important thing which you might want to check if you delete the pillars the wall objects still remain in the hierarchy whereas those should get deleted.
                                      Steps to recreate:
                                      please draw a room like on in the following screenshot, basically create a 4 walls room and then split each wall in the middle and drag the new point out of the room.


                                      Then please delete the same points in the previous step and note the hierarchy there will be extra walls which are no longer required.


                                      Please let me know if you need more details from my side regarding this.