Inside that script, this is the method that receives the event, you can put a Debug.Log there to make sure the events are received:
Unable to toggle Exterior Walls and the Roof
If the variable Roof is empty, it could also be that the roof has not been generated, make sure you see the Roof object in the hierarchy?
Hi, this is weird I don't have this object in the scene, or any other object with the BuildingController attached.
bigknockdown can you try to import the plugin in an empty project?
I create a new Unity project and imported the package , opened up the FloorMapEditor and create a room.
Still the Toggle roof, Exterior wall and Export FBX not working.
Hi Anthony I noticed something else these functions are working fine in home designer mode but just not in editor mode.
What do you call editor mode exactly ? I just tried in both scenes: HomeDesigner and FloorMapEditor
and it works great on my side. Are you referring to a different scene? I would be curious to see a video to better understand. Thanks!
to confirm I meant FloorMapEditor scene as Editor mode.
Here is a link to the video I created , this is a fresh project with just your package imported.
Let me know if you require any further details.
bigknockdown sorry for the late reply. you seem to have problems with you materials overall, no grid on the floor, everything looks flat. which rendering pipeline are you using? Did you follow the URP/HDRP section in the manual?
Hi Anthony ,
If we ignore the look of the project , do you think there is another reason I am having issues with the toggling of roof and exterior walls , specially considering that we are able to do that by key already mapped but just not by using the UI.
bigknockdown If don't know like that without having an eye on the project. Unity also does weird bugs sometimes. If you are interested I can have a look on the project to debug that for you.
To do so, book me a time slot here:
Install TeamViewer, and send me your id/password by email, and I will be able to log on and debug it.
Let me know. Thanks!
You can also send me your project and I can have a look on my side if you prefer