• Touch Camera
  • Free Camera, NullReferenceException if camera doesnt hit any colliders?

seems to require some collider hit at least once when enter playmode?

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Lean.Touch.LeanScreenDepth.Exists[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject gameObject, T& instance) (at Assets/Lean/Touch/Extras/LeanScreenDepth.cs:241)
Lean.Touch.LeanScreenDepth.TryConvert (UnityEngine.Vector3& position, UnityEngine.Vector2 screenPoint, UnityEngine.GameObject gameObject, UnityEngine.Transform ignore) (at Assets/Lean/Touch/Extras/LeanScreenDepth.cs:150)
Lean.Touch.LeanScreenDepth.Convert (UnityEngine.Vector2 screenPoint, UnityEngine.GameObject gameObject, UnityEngine.Transform ignore) (at Assets/Lean/Touch/Extras/LeanScreenDepth.cs:64)
Exoa.Cameras.CameraFree.Update () (at Assets/Exoa/TouchCameraPro/Scripts/Camera/CameraFree.cs:43)

    unitycoder_com Yes a collider is required. The normal camera a relying on the ground height only, but the free camera is working with an object having a collider. I should have explained that in the manual already.

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