
  • Jan 16, 2023
  • Joined Jan 14, 2023
  • So I've installed the second .unitypackage you sent me and it doesn't throw any error now. All good.

    However, before doing this, I created an empty GameObject and added a Responsive Container component to check for the margins values and they are all set to 0 by default. (Like it is not empty, it seems to have values, which are 0).

    Screenshot 2023-01-16 at 15.44.03.png
    EDIT: don't understand how pictures works here so here is the link of the screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/TRhlo34

    • Hello,
      I imported the .unitypackage you sent me and now I have this error when I try to add a Responsive Container component:
      NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      Exoa.Responsive.ResponsiveContainer.CalculateSpaceBetweenItemsY (System.Boolean includeMargins, System.Boolean includeSpacing, System.Single& totalFlexiblePercent, System.Single& minContainerHeightNeeded) (at Assets/_Game/Tools/ResponsiveUI/Scripts/ResponsiveContainer.cs:670)
      Exoa.Responsive.ResponsiveContainer.Update () (at Assets/_Game/Tools/ResponsiveUI/Scripts/ResponsiveContainer.cs:135)

      It seems to be the same.

      To add further details:
      I used ReponsiveUI on my project until last summer. It was working fine (at least no error).
      Then I worked on server code and didn't touch Unity until recently. Before working on a new UI again, I updated Responsive UI because my version was still the same since I purchased it in the first half of 2022.

      It is since the update I have this issue. Because I use this asset in the same manner than before and I didn't have this error before. If I'm not mistaken, my ResponsiveUI version was the "original" one, from January 2022.

      As I said in my first post maybe I'm doing something wrong. But I added the responsive container to a GameObject (in my UI Canvas) which didn't have any children GameObject yet. I also tried adding it to a GameObject which already had children GameObjects. The error pops up either way.

      I hope this is enough information for you to help solve the issue.

      For now I stopped using ResponsiveUI in new UIs, but still use it in scenes already done with it. They doesn't throw errors and according to tests it seems to work so I don't touch them.
      All this to say that I'm not in a rush so if you need time to solve this issue it doesn't matter to me.


      • Hello,

        Whenever I try to add a Responsive Container component in an empty GameObject (UI of course), the console throws at me:
        NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
        Exoa.Responsive.ResponsiveContainer.CalculateSpaceBetweenItemsY (System.Boolean includeMargins, System.Boolean includeSpacing, System.Single& totalFlexiblePercent, System.Single& minContainerHeightNeeded) (at Assets/_Game/Tools/ResponsiveUI/Scripts/ResponsiveContainer.cs:664)
        Exoa.Responsive.ResponsiveContainer.Update () (at Assets/_Game/Tools/ResponsiveUI/Scripts/ResponsiveContainer.cs:135)

        This same error pops up again and is added to the console every X seconds or when it decides to refresh itself I guess.

        I don't have this error on another Scene which was already using Response Container.

        Now I'm worrying about this asset's liability. It was helpful though but maybe it is a mistake on my part.
        I tried to compare GameObjects in the "correct" scene and the one where this error is thrown and I do not see any difference.
