
  • Jan 29, 2024
  • Joined Feb 14, 2023
  • Hi,

    I'm trien to make the camera zoom and rotate only around the center.

    When I use this settings its working fine on desktop, but on mobile, as soon as I zoomed, it will not rotate around gameobject center anymore, it will rotate then around zoom center point 🙁

    my current settings:
    right/middle/two finger drag: none
    One Finger Drag: Rotate Around
    Two Finger Pinch: Zoom only
    Scroll Wheel: Zoom in Center

    i think im missing zoom in center on two Finger Pinch to fix this.

    • I now tried this one

          public void focusCamera(bool instantSwitch, Vector3 direction, Vector3 upwards, float offsetX = 0, float offsetY = 0, float offsetZ = 0)
              //instantSwitch = false;
              Vector3 targetPostion = new Vector3(fundament.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.center.x + offsetX, fundament.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.center.y + offsetY, fundament.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.center.z + offsetZ);
              float targetDistance = 20f;
              Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction, upwards);
              CameraPerspective.FocusCameraOnGameObject(modelBase, true);
              if (instantSwitch)
                  //if (CoroutineUnlockCam != null)
                  //    StopCoroutine(CoroutineUnlockCam);
                  CameraPerspective.MoveCameraToInstant(targetPostion, targetDistance, targetRotation);
                  //CameraPerspective.FocusCameraOnGameObject(modelBase, true);
                  //CameraEvents.OnRequestObjectFollow?.Invoke(modelBase, true, false);
                  CameraPerspective.MoveCameraTo(targetPostion, targetDistance, targetRotation);
                  //camMode = cameraMode.Free;
                  //if (CoroutineUnlockCam != null)
                  //    StopCoroutine(CoroutineUnlockCam);
                  //CoroutineUnlockCam = StartCoroutine(unlockCam());

      But now I get transform.position assign attempt for 'TouchCamera' is not valid. Input position is { NaN, NaN, NaN }.

      • yes but i only see pink squares cause auf urp. cant u just fix my function? otherwise just refund

        • but thats the part, what is working fine ...

          • Hi, I have a object resizing itself.

            When I focus the object with MoveCameraTo its working fine.

            But when I try to do the same in 1 frame, it changes to a wrong distance.

            Basicly what I use is this function:

            public void focusCamera(bool instantSwitch, Vector3 direction, Vector3 upwards, float offsetX = 0, float offsetY = 0, float offsetZ = 0)
                    Vector3 targetPostion = new Vector3(fundament.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.center.x + offsetX, fundament.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.center.y + offsetY, fundament.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.center.z + offsetZ);
                    float targetDistance = 20f;
                    Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction, upwards);
                    if (instantSwitch)
                        if (CoroutineUnlockCam != null)
                        CameraPerspective.MoveCameraToInstant(targetPostion, targetDistance, targetRotation);
                        CameraEvents.OnRequestObjectFollow?.Invoke(modelBase, true, false);
                        CameraPerspective.MoveCameraTo(targetPostion, targetDistance, targetRotation);
                        //camMode = cameraMode.Free;
                        if (CoroutineUnlockCam != null)
                        CoroutineUnlockCam = StartCoroutine(unlockCam());
                IEnumerator unlockCam()
                    yield return new WaitForSeconds(2.0f);
                    CameraEvents.OnRequestObjectFollow?.Invoke(modelBase, false, false);

            What am I doing wrong please?