
  • Jan 13, 2024
  • Joined Dec 9, 2023
  • I finally figured it out.
    The problem was that when I imported Touch Camera PRO into my project, Lean Touch input manager (https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/input-management/lean-touch-30111) was also already present - as I am in an experimental phase to find the most suitable solution for my project.
    So as a result very strange things happened, the Components of the two packages started to mix together on the Game Objects. These two packages have Components with the same names, but in different namespaces, so I don't really understand how, and exactly what happened, but somehow same named Components appeared on the TouchCameraInputs Game Object from the other package too. Plane Game Object in the scene was getting the Plane Component from the other package, so CameraSideScrollOrtho Component lost the reference of the right Plane.
    So it was a confusion between two similar packages....

    I am not sure if any action should take place to help people to avoid falling to a situation like this, maybe indicate this risk in the description in the Asset Store, or maybe it is just an edge case comes once a year for hundreds of users, or maybe it was my fault as I should know that multiple input manager packages should not be installed at the same time.
    After all I learned it well thats for sure... 🙂

    Thank you for the helpfulness!

    • Sorry for the late response.
      I switched to the Side Scroll Ortho cam meanwhile based on the other thread, but the same problems are there also:

      • selection of an object for following not working on touch
      • two fingers pinch not working - something happens but not what I expect.

      Video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bk8iq58jdtobe25clnxma/Screen-Recording-2024-01-04-at-20.44.55.mov?rlkey=0nomm6un6ijahkfanyojabnu3&dl=0

      Unity version: 2022.3.11f1

      Touch Camera PRO version: 3.1.0

      No any console error.

      Thank you!

      • Oh, and the Click Me! focus feature is not working either...
        However I can see on the Lean Touch component's inspector that it catches the touch event.
        But I can's see it on the Event System's inspector, but maybe thats not a problem - I am not sure.

        • I was unable to find out how can I configure the camera control to work better in 2D mode.
          By default, the Top Down Ortho camera considers the Y axys as the vertical direction what is ok for 3D, but in 2D if I look forward I am looking towards the Z direction. When I turn the [2D] button on at the toolbar of the Scene tab, then this is the direction. So it would be nice if i could see the scene in this view, and not just the edge of it from the side.
          How can I achieve this?

          • Hello, I would like to get some help to find out what could be the problem with the twi finger pich.
            I imported the full package into a 2D project, I was unable to make it work from scratch, so I checked the demo scenes but it is not working properly even there. Actually I didn't try it with any device, but in the Unity Player when I press the two fingers touch simulator key, then the two spheres appear on the screen, but the camera behaves like it would be a single touch. The second blue sphere moves well.
            I originally used the new Input system, but it doesn't change anything if I set it back to the old one in the Player settings, or to use both.
            What am I doing wrong?