- Jan 2, 2024
- Joined Jan 2, 2024
- Edited
I'm having all kinds of issues with items being resized to NAN within a Responsive container. Disabling the responsive container allows me to resize the boxes and resolve the layout issues.I have a scrollrect GO and in the Content GO I have my item prefabs which I want to fill the list. Each item prefab has a text box and a photo. I want the photo to have a fixed size, and the text to fill the remaining space of that item.
The item GO has a responsive container, and the child Photo and Text GOs have a responsive item component on them. The Photo is set to Preferred and the Text to Flexible. However, both the Text and Photo GOs, and their child GOs, all get widths set to NAN with the Responsive Container component enabled.
Here's a cool drawing of what I have.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/14c1y_lLcxfFqBf0Rej7XbRL4XQ8nR5sh/viewAny ideas how I can get what I want to work?