To establish the dependency of doors, windows, or openings on a particular room, we first determine which wall the Control Point (CP) collider is interacting with. From these walls, we obtain the RoomControllerButtonHandler, which leads us to the ControlPointController. If the sequencingItemType is set to Room, these Openingcontrollers are then stored in a list of openingControllers. However, this approach doesn't fully resolve our problem. Can you provide insight into how we can effectively make doors, windows, and other openings dependent on a specific room?
- 16 days ago
- Joined Jan 11, 2024
Hello @Anthony
We want to implement a functionality for selecting a particular room and moving and rotating it. but as doors/Windows are independent of each, even if we rotate or move the room, doors and windows will remain at the same place and not move with the room.
Is there any way to make the doors and windows dependent on Room in which they are placed.
Alternatively, how can we establish a reference to clearly indicate the association between each door/window and its respective room?
Also, can you suggest the best approach for moving and rotating a particular room.Hello @Anthony Anthony,
We tried the same thing you suggested earlier and even today, but we do not get the wall created, we only get the distance between the two cps with an arrow from one CP to other as you can see in the image,
What we did was to add GenerateWall Fucntion in if(wallPosList.Count ==2) GenerateWall(),
We even tried modifying you if statment for if there are only 2 points, but that gave the same result as shown in the image.
Can you suggest other approach for the same?,
Can you help me achieve this functionality.
In floormaps, we create room with the help of points (i.e whenever we create atleaset 3 points a room along with its walls are created).
But I want to Create room when we swipe instead of points,
explanation - when we swipe in floormap editor scene, I want to create two points, one at the start of touch and other at the end of touch, and once the touch phase ends, I need to create a room with 2 points (only one wall), now if we again swipe a new wall will be created within the same room.
Thank you for your response.I appreciate your insights. Could you please prioritise the resolution of this issue as soon as possible? Your assistance in solving this matter promptly would be highly valued.
I am also actively working on this issue, will let you know if it works.
Thanks again
- Edited
Thanks for the reply.
We want to achieve that whichever file is opened in Home Designer scene it will be auto opened in floorPlanEditor scene when we switch from Home designer to FloorPlan Editor.In opposite to this when we make any changes in floorPlanEditor and switch back to HomeDesigner scene it must reflect the changes done in floorPlanEditor.So for this we try to achieve this from the concept of temporary folders. We have created two folder at runtime named as “Temporary Floor Maps” and “Temporary Interior maps”, these file contains *.json file of interior and floor map.
When we open any default maps like ”3-BHK” or “5BHK”, we duplicate the default map and store it in the temporary floor map and deserialize it to the home designer scene.
When we switch from home designer to Floor map editor, we intend to open the current temporary Floormap, and also serialize this scene to json in temporary Interio Map folder and change its floormap to the temporary floormap which was created upon opening the scene. After this if we make some changes
Case1 - If we Save the file from menu, this temporary file will be saved in the Floormap folder and upon moving to Home designer this newly saved file will be deserialized int the scene, and this works fine.
Case2 - If we do not save the scene and move to Home designer scene, all the changes in this scene if saved in Temporary floormap json and that is loaded in the home designer scene.
Issue: -
In case 2 when saving the scene a new floor is added whose uniqueID and Space is null, which when deserialized does not load the scene.
Eg Script -
Before saving
"version": "v2",
"floors": [
"uniqueId": "ed92ec2e-4900-4038-acef-af8b9bd6c6a4",
"spaces": [ { Some Data }]
}After Saving
"version": "v2",
"floors": [
"uniqueId": null,
"spaces": null
"uniqueId": "ed92ec2e-4900-4038-acef-af8b9bd6c6a4",
"spaces": [
{Some Data}]
As per my undertsanding on I know that we can create door and windows in floor plan editor and we can customize those settings regarding changing its width, height or h sub division etc but in floor map editor and then save it to see the changes in home designer scene.
But we want the same functionality to modify the door setting including its position, rotation, scaling and other settings mentioned above in the home designer itself.
So could you please let us know how we can achieve this because as per our understanding you are managing two *.json files separately.
Please address this request at your earliest convenience.
I Created two temporary folder one for TemporaryfloorMap and other for temporary Interiors, When I try to save Temporary Floor map and extra floor is added in which both uniqueId and spaces are null, when I try to Serialize this floormap in interior scene, my scene is not loaded.Thanks.