
  • Apr 12, 2022
  • Joined Nov 17, 2021
  • Hi Anthony,
    I have developed a little application using your plugin. I am mainly using your script as a 360 camera. It works perfectly except for one little glitch.

    Demo Link : https://youtu.be/G7NbR1mH6YE

    It works great on mobile where you can turn and observe the surrounding by swiping your finger. But while I am rotating if another finger touches the screen, it snaps to a different view and locks itself. Then I have to reset the camera as it locks the rotation to a single axis. I tried different things but nothing works.

    I feel this could work if I can disable the multi touch and restrict the touch to a single touch at once.
    I hope you can help me to find a solution to this.

    Thank you so much.

    • Hi Anthony,
      I saw your sample files and managed to figure out most of the stuff. Cheer!

      • Hi Anthony,
        This plugin is great. Thank you! There are a couple of questions.
        My application is really simple. It's just to look around an environment while standing in one place. So all I need is the camera rotation and I got it to work perfectly.

        1. Can I disable the pinch/zoom functions in the touch devices as it can mess up the position of the camera?
        2. If the camera position changes, is there a way I can put a little UI button to reset the camera back to the original position?

        Thank you!