- Edited
Hey Anthony!Hope your having a great day there!
More of an suggestion or a feedback here.
Atm if user wants to save current * Model * (in Homde Designer part) he can :
- Use UISaving.cs wich means he gona need all those references in hes scene(ui elements),basically copying demo setup;
- Use InteriorSerializer wich looks like a good option if you jsut want a save/load functionality but it has depencency on
UIFloorsMenu.cs wich is basically another Monobehaviour with alot of Ui elemnts in it.
So id suggest one or both of those:
a) decople UI from Save/Load logic so it could be used separetly
b) implement saving logic into HomeReader wich is basically standalone loading solution for now and could be much more usable if it will have Save logic aswell ,so the user can jsut drag&drop a prefab wich will handle serialization logic for him.
ALso as a note,you cant use both HomeReader for loading and InteriorSerializer for saving ,as InteriorSerializer will fail to save data(it will be not set at all) if Model isnt loaded via InteriorSerializer.
P.S. have a nice day!