Hi Anthony ,
I am trying to modify some of the Layer mask values being used in the plugin.

I think the Layers.cs file contains the info about all the layers, on top of it it says

//This class is auto-generated, do not modify (use Tools/TagsLayersEnumBuilder)

I am unable to locate this option in the editor , can you please guide me about how to modify this ?

    Don't worry, you can just modify that class according to your needs and reflect the changes in the Unity's layer list

      Ok so If I have already created some new layers in unity editor and then if I modify this script will those layers be overwritten as per this class and if I do need to add in another layer in future should I use this class for that ?

        this class is only used to references layers easily in the plugin code, and also to create them automatically when the plugin is installed.
        So if you need to move the layers to different slots on the list you need to do it at the same time in Unity's layers window and in that class.

        For you own other layers you don't need to add them here of course, this is just for the plugin's layers

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