I wasted over an hour and still can't use Touch Cam Pro in a new scene. Demos work well. I try to simply use MoveCameraTo(pos) but even when using the demo class OnClickMoveToPosition moves. Please help.
Touch Cam Pro First Use
I can help you but I need to know where you are stuck at. You can share a unitypackage with your scene and script and will have a look at it and tell you what's missing if you will.
I got it: If Camera Rotation X is 0 MoveCameraTo() does nothing. Is it a bug? Are other methods doing the same?
18 days later
I defined a few Vector3 positions and tried to move the Camera to these positions. It does move but the camera does not use the positions but it is far away. The position seems right, but x,y and z are zoomed out. What can I do?