yaghini Hi! Can you show a video or share a unitypackage with a demo scene? (by email to contact at exoa.fr)

    22 days later
    a year later

    Hello, I am experiencing similar behavior as described here. Passing in a target, offset, and rotation into MoveCameraTo and at the end of the animation, depending on the starting rotation, the camera will jump to the end. If the camera has started at the target rotation then this jump is very subtle or non-existent but if it is far, the animation seems to finish before it reaches the target rotation and then it jumps to it at the end. I have a youtube link to show the issue that I can send.

      6 days later
      6 days later

      jdbryant332 thanks and sorry for the late reply. Would you be able to send me a unitypackage with a sample scene and script that showcase the bug ? (without the Exoa/ folder) at contact at exoa.fr
      I will investigate on my side. thanks!

        Anthony Yes, I will try to do so soon. In the meantime we were able to deduce the problem to the yaw and pitch clamping which we may be able to work around. I will try to get a sample scene together sometime this week. Thanks for the response!

          7 days later

          jdbryant332 keep me posted of your progress, I would be curious to see the bug and the patch you found, thanks!

            2 months later

            I also encountered this situation. When the movement ends, the camera will jump again.

              5 months later

              Hi, thank you for your patience with this bug. I pushed the version 3.1.6 today that should be available soon on the store with a fix for this issue. Please let me know if you have the possibility to test it on your side. thanks!

                a month later

                I've updated the package, but I'm still getting the jump at the end. I don't get this jump when using the Free Cam but I would like to use the custom movement features that work best with Perspective Cam.

                  rklauer Hi, thanks for letting me know. Are you only using MoveCameraTo? Can I see your custom code? Thanks!

                    Yep. I've attached links to some videos as well. I used FocusCamera when using the Free Cam but after the update have tried using both with the Perspective Cam.
                    When clicking on the character I run the attached code. I'm grabbing an empty game object attached to characters to get the target position and rotation. I've seen it work occasionally without jumping at the end but very rarely and haven't been able to discern a cause.
                    You can ignore the spot positions as those are for character positioning during dialog.
                    `public void DialogActivate(GameObject character)
                    camPosition = cam.GetComponent<Transform>();
                    returnPosition = camPosition.position;
                    returnRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(camPosition.forward);
                    Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(-character.GetComponent<Conversant>().camPosition.forward);
                    Vector3 targetPosition = character.GetComponent<Conversant>().camPosition.position;

                        if (camMode != null)
                            //camMode.FocusCamera(targetPosition, targetDistance, targetRotation, false);
                            camMode.MoveCameraTo(targetPosition, targetDistance, targetRotation);
                        spotPosition = spot.GetComponent<Transform>();
                        spotReturnPosition = spotPosition.position;
                        spotReturnRotation = spotPosition.rotation;
                        Quaternion spotRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(character.GetComponent<Conversant>().spotPosition.forward);
                        spot.transform.position = character.GetComponent<Conversant>().spotPosition.position;
                        spot.transform.rotation = spotRotation;
                        if (objectiveHUD != null) objectiveHUD.GetComponent<ObjectivePanelController>().TogglePanel();

                    PerspectiveCam New

                    FreeCam Old
                    FreeCam New

                    I appreciate the assistance as I've very much enjoyed the asset.

                      Thanks for the details. So if I understand right, the perspective mode doesn't work well but the free camera mode works well from what I can see in your video?

                        do you own TouchCamera Pro or Lite version?

                          You can't really use the Perspective Mode for your case because your floor is not flat. Only the Free Camera mode allows for free movements, if you want to use the Perspective Mode anyway, you need to use the SetGroundHeight() method to change the virtual floor at your character level.

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