Hi Anthony , you have provided very nice options of selecting the click/touch options for the camera movement provided in the editor.
But I am trying to figure something out is that lets say I am in Perspective mode and I have enabled Translate while single finger dragging , at the same time i have an object on screen which I want to move with a single touch as well.
So is there a way probably with a layer mask I could use to check if a certain layer is being touched , the camera doesn't move ?
Camera Movement in Perspective view while moving another object while dragging.
6 days later
bigknockdown Sorry for the late reply.
You have a simple way to disable the camera movement during the drag, by calling either:
CameraModeSwitcher.Instance.DisableMoves = true/false;
or any camera component has that same property in case you don't use the CameraModeSwitcher component.
You can also call an event:
CameraEvents.OnRequestButtonAction?.Invoke(CameraEvents.Action.DisableCameraMoves, true/false);
as you can see in Floor Map Designer, when you drag a control point on the floor, that exact event is being called
I hope that helps!