Hi Anthony,
I have developed a little application using your plugin. I am mainly using your script as a 360 camera. It works perfectly except for one little glitch.

Demo Link : https://youtu.be/G7NbR1mH6YE

It works great on mobile where you can turn and observe the surrounding by swiping your finger. But while I am rotating if another finger touches the screen, it snaps to a different view and locks itself. Then I have to reset the camera as it locks the rotation to a single axis. I tried different things but nothing works.

I feel this could work if I can disable the multi touch and restrict the touch to a single touch at once.
I hope you can help me to find a solution to this.

Thank you so much.

    priyanj Hi! Thanks for reporting this bug. I will compile one of my demo scenes on a tablet and try this out. I am also working on a complete rewrite of the plugin, so I will try this version too against that bug.

    Meanwhile if you want to disable multi touch in unity you can try this:
    Input.multiTouchEnabled = false;

    I'll keep you posted

      priyanj I just compiled the full_demo_mobile scene on my tablet and did not have such issue:

      What strikes me is that you are using CameraPerspective, but you are not focused on any point on the floor, and you are rotating around the camera position instead of around a target, which is not supposed to work that way. Can you share a unitypackage by email, containing a scene with a basic example ?


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