
  • Mar 29, 2024
  • Joined Mar 7, 2024
  • Anthony

    Before sending the project, I cleaned up some resources and tested the Camera asset, and I confirmed that it is working properly.

    I suspect that it might be causing a conflict with some asset within my project.

    But it's difficult to identify which asset it is, so it seems like I'll need to send the entire project. However, since it's a project for the company, that might be challenging.

    So, I would appreciate it if you could take a look via TeamViewer. When would be a good time for you?

    • Anthony
      You can help again after 20 days.

      Have a nice vacation!

      • Anthony
        Project A is a successful project

        I would say Project B is a project that cannot be done.

        In Project A, the input handler works well in both and new states.

        However, Project B does not work in both, and even if you change it to new, it still does not work.
        To be precise, even if you change it to new, it returns to both.
        I'm also not sure exactly why because it's a project I've taken over...

        In project B
        BaseTouchInput.cs The script looks exactly like the screenshot.

        Since I am Korean, it would be difficult to talk on the phone in English.

        • Anthony
          I'm not sure how to add an image.

          Both projects used the same input system.

          In the project settings, Active Input Handling is set to Both.

          Even if you use the Standalone Input Module in the event system and change to New InputSystem, the symptom is the same.

          There are no errors displayed by the script.
          Even if you create a situation where an error should occur, the error is not displayed.
          The script itself doesn't seem to work.

          When is the best time to get a remote diagnosis with TeamViewer?
          Please let us know your local location and local time and we will do our best to accommodate you.

          • My existing and new projects
            I tested the operation in each new scene.
            In my new project, I verified that the camera worked well in both the demo scene and the scenes I created.

            However, in an existing project where I actually want to apply it,
            Scripts such as demo scenes and new scenes don't seem to work at all.

            In a new project, a warning message will appear if you do not add an event system to the scene.
            In an existing project, even if you do not add an event system, there will be no warning message.

            The script itself doesn't seem to be working... I don't know what the problem is.

            Both Unity versions were tested with 2020.3.48f1.

            What solution is there?